CHURCH as we emerge from a PANDEMIC
It's wonderful, after more than two years of curtailed activities due to the pandemic, to once again be doing things together, in-person.
It's a joy to hear our choir and share fellowship and coffee after worship.
At this time we do not have any particular infection precaution recommendations in place. We do support everyone making their own decisions about masking, social distancing, etc., and we do have masks available at church if you need one. Of course, as always, anytime you are sick, please worship with us virtually. And we continue to strongly encourage everyone to stay up to date on vaccinations, including Covid boosters and flu shots!
Our pandemic experience has led us to make a few changes in the way we do things. Our space allows for some physical distancing, and we recognize that many folks prefer to limit handshaking and the like.
The Covid-19 pandemic has brought many challenges and changes to our world and to the church:
Live-streaming technology The pandemic time showed us that live-streaming is a great way to include those who cannot participate in person, members staying home because of weather or sickness, and folks who are travelling, as well as family and friends in other places.
It's not quite the same as being together, but we've been pleasantly surprised at how beneficial virtual worship participation has been.
So we to continue to livestream our services, and expect to go on doing so.
We hope that any time you aren't able to come in person, you'll join us virtually. You do not need to have a Facebook account to watch. Our very dedicated tech team has worked hard to make the sound and video for our livestreamed worship service as good as possible. Our equally dedicated music and worship team worked hard to make each service meaningful.
Virtual gatherings We are now able hold many of our meetings, small groups, and Adult Education programs virtually via Zoom or in hybrid fashion, with some folks gathered in person and some joining via Zoom.
Email and Social media We are making more use of email to share prayer lists, worship bulletins, announcements, prayer lists, our newsletter, etc. We also share information regularly on Facebook. We've saved a lot of paper, and connected more regularly with more people.
New challenges We continue to explore ways to engage both in-person and virtual participants together in the life of our congregation, and to consider what will look the same and what will look different about the church's future ministry.
We welcome you to connect or be involved in whatever ways work best for you.
If you have any questions, or need help connecting and getting involved, please get in touch with a member of our staff, a Deacon, or a member of the Session.
Our current office hours : Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, 9 am - 4:30 pm
These have been challenging times for everyone, in so many ways. But as a congregation, we have remained committed to following Jesus, worshiping God together, and to caring for one another and our neighbors. We have learned a lot about flexibility, patience, and resilience (not to mention technology!)
Who can't know what the future will hold, but we do know this:
God is good. All the time.