Thank you for your interest in making a contribution to Westminster Presbyterian Church of Portage, MI. While stewardship of God's gifts is about much more than money, nevertheless financial gifts provide vital support for the work of Christ in and through the church. Every gift is appreciated, and we are committed to good stewardship and accountability.
Donations may be made in person or to Westminster Presbyterian Church, 1515 Helen Avenue, Portage, MI 49002, attention Financial Secretary. It helps us greatly if you clearly indicate how your donation is to be directed (pledge, general fund donation, memorial fund, etc.)
Please do not send cash through the mail.
Packets of weekly offering envelopes are available from the church office.
Annual giving statements are provided to all donors.
You can also check your giving records by logging into Breeze:
If you need a password or have questions, contact our Financial Secretary Jason Martin.
Regular ongoing donations to the church can be set up through your bank. Contact your bank for information about this.
Online Giving
Westminster is now able to receive online contributions via PayPal. If you have questions about how PayPal works, view our PayPal Frequently Asked Questions page.
Online gifts to our church via credit card or PayPal account are transacted via the church's PayPal account directly from the PayPal secure website.
Simply complete the information below, then click on the "Next" button. You will be redirected to a PayPal screen where you may complete your financial transaction securely.
Please be aware that Paypal charges a 2.9% fee for each transaction. (For example, if you donate $1,000, you will receive a receipt for giving $1,000, but the church will only receive $971 of the donation). The church does not charge a transaction fee to the donor. You may also consider alternative methods other than credit card transactions so that all of your gift will go to Westminster Presbyterian Church.