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Q:  Do I have to get dressed up for church?

A:  Not at all.   Some people like to dress up, others prefer being comfortable.  

You are welcome however you choose to come.  



Q:  What do kids do during worship?

A:  Children of any age are welcome in worship.  We have children's books and worship activity bags for kids to enjoy during the service.  There is also a "Play and Pray" area at the side of of sanctuary with toys and books for little ones (and rocking chairs for parents!).   Our service also can be heard in the narthex (lobby area), if little ones need to wander a bit.  And there is always someone more than willing to give parents a hand!


For children ages 4 through 4th grade, we have our Children & Worship Program three Sundays per month, September through mid-May. 

This is a worship experience geared just for kids in which they learn about worshiping God.  They begin in the sanctuary with their families and a few minutes into the service they go with the adult leader to the Children and Worship room which is nearby.   On the first Sunday of each month, when we have communion, children worship in the sanctuary with their families.  



Q:  Am I allowed to have communion if I’m not Presbyterian?

A:  Yes!  Presbyterian churches practice open communion.  Any one seeking to know and follow Jesus Christ is welcome to share in communion, no matter what their denominational background.  This includes baptized children.  



Q:  Why are kids allowed to have communion?  They don’t really understand what it’s all about, do they?

A:  Because they are part of Christ’s family, and when you are part of a family, you get to come to the table.  No, they don’t understand everything about what communion means. But there is a great depth of meaning in communion, and none of us has a perfect and complete understanding.  We believe that kids (and adults, too!) grow in understanding as they participate. Parents are encouraged to help children understand communion in an age-appropriate way.  



Q: Can I have my child baptized at Westminster?

A:  We'd love to talk with you about having your child baptized!   Baptism is something Presbyterians take very seriously, and we understand it as a Sacrament that connects us with Christ and the church.  So it does involve a desire and commitment to be part of the church and to bring up our children as part of the church family.  If you would like that connection for yourself and your family, please speak with one of our pastors.



Q: Why do you live-stream your services?  Isn't it more meaningful to worship in person?

A:  In-person worship is preferable for many people, but others are grateful for the option of worshipping virtually - occasionally or regularly. 

We found, to our surprise, during the pandemic, that for most people, attending worship virtually provided a meaningful sense of connection. 

And we also discovered that there were many folks who benefitted from an on-line service for reasons other than pandemic precautions - members  with health or mobility issues, people who spend part of the year in another area, those who are travelling.  It's also been a way to connect with family in far away places and to reach out to new people.  We're glad to be able to offer both in-person and virtual worship on a regular basis, and we try to make our services inclusive of those in the sanctuary and those at home.


Have more questions?  One of our pastors will be glad to speak with you by phone or in person or via email.




Frequently asked questions about worship

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